Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
belted kingfisher
I have not seen a kingfisher in quite a while .. and then all of the sudden, I have seen three in three days. One in Stonington, one in NL and one in Noank. I love kingfishers so I am thrilled to be seeing so many! This female was buzzing around back and forth over the little pond at the water treatment plant. They make the funniest sound.
birds hanging out
I love that these three, Canada geese, American coot and Red-breasted Merganser .. all popped up in my view at the same time. I was standing at the rail at Fort Trumbull and they were not bothered by me at all.
gulls and great blue heron
Further along I saw this great blue heron, many gulls and Canada geese and a few American coots.
Greater Scaup
Between snowstorms, I took a long cold walk around Fort Trumbull (while the kids were making a snow blob and sledding.) I had a wonderful and peaceful walk. It was so cold that hardly anyone was out. I spotted this Greater Scaup sheltering on the rocks right beneath the pier. So beautiful! I hope he was OK. He is a new bird for me .. and about my 45th so far this year. I have seen scaups before but never close enough to tell if it was a greater or lesser. I took quite a few shots of this guy.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Cooper's hawk
Saw this Cooper's hanging out on the osprey nest platform at Ocean Beach. He was watching all the sparrows over by the marsh.
New London
Looking back at our little corner of NL from the walkway. Some days, I just love the fact that we can walk to the beach .. even if some people call it "rat beach."